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New arthritis treatment in dogs!

There is now a new treatment for arthritis in dogs!


Degenerative joint disease is very common in older animals and can severely affect their quality of life. It is one of those diseases where multimodal therapy (using more than one type of treatment) is most effective.


We use pain relief as the primary treatment (which have side effects) but weight loss, low impact exercise, K-Laser, joint and high level essential fatty acid (EFA) supplements and chondroprotective injections (cartilage protection) all play a very important role in managing the condition.


Fortunately, we now have a new treatment – Monoclonal antibody injections that specifically target the osteoarthritis pain factors.


The treatment is very specific so it has minimal side effects.  It can be used in combination with other medications and is very effective. In some cases, the dogs have been able to come off their anti-inflammatories. It is a monthly injection.  Continuing the other supportive treatment is important to get the best results. This is a brand-new therapy, so we have only used it in a few dogs, but we are very impressed with the results so far.


Arthritic pain is not curable but is manageable and we can slow the progression of the disease to hopefully allow your dog to have a good quality of life for longer.


If you think your dog may be suffering from arthritis, or are wondering if more can be done, please come and see us.

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